What is and isn't God's "fault" I find it all kind of fascinating really.
One episode was about a Vietnam Vet from Canada - who had his hand cut off while trying to save a boy. The episode is called
House in his usual way goes into the man's house, drugs him and forces him to put his stub into a box, which he has rigged with a mirror, so when he puts in his good hand he can see a mirror image. Making it look like he has two good arms. House tells him to squeeze both hands like he is holding on to something really hard and "If you believe in God pray that this works and while your at it you might ask him why he let you loose your hand to begin with."
So he squeezes both hands really hard and then House says, "Now, let go!" He lets go and starts to cry because for the first time in 35 years he has no pain.
No pain - for 35 years he had pain and now it is gone. Can you imagine the sweet release of living with something for 35 years and having that pain removed by Letting Go! Really Letting Go!
In what ways do we not let go? How do we hold on to pain in our lives and relive them. We relive our mistakes, we hold on to grudges, we choose to be angry about things we can't control.
House tells him - ..."Ask God why he let you loose your hand." - Sometimes those kind of things are hard - why does God allow these bad things to happen? Why did one of my team members get leukemia? Why did just this weekend another team member got married and then the bus that was taking some family members and friends from her village home had an accident and the only fatality was her sister. ON HER WEDDING DAY! WHY?
Is God big enough for these questions? Is God strong enough? Are we wise enough to know that DEATH, SICKNESS and PAIN never make sense because it wasn't part of God's plan. That God did not create a world of pain, sickness and death but that we created that. That instead of pointing at God and blaming him we have to bow our heads and pray that God gives us the strength to praise him through it.
That Christ's death on the cross - there He took that PAIN, SICKNESS and DEATH and that we don't have to suffer forever anymore. That this debt is paid and we can choose it freely. We can LET GO and let God be in control.
When someone dies we hurt and are in pain because this is not the way we were created to be. We were created to be in fellowship with our God, to walk with Him, to talk with Him and to cling to Him to live with Him praising Him forever.
I had a dream not to long ago and it won't leave. I've shared it with a few people and I will share it here. I am in a car in Moldova (I think) and the road is very rough. I am not driving the car - I don't know who is but the car feels somewhat out of control. We leap off an embankment and fly through the air. (I know this can't end well.) But in the midst of it I start praising God. I am thanking Him for how good He is and that even though I know that I will probably die I want to die praising Him.
Then we seem to skip like a rock skipping on a pond of water hitting the ground and bouncing back up into the air again. Then we land smack dab in a bunch of mud. (There is a lot of mud in Moldova.) I open the car door and suddenly there are people all around me talking in a language I can't understand but I can't contain myself I have to share the gospel so I just start asking. "Do you know Jesus?"
I've thought about this dream - I wasn't driving because I am not in control of my life, but I am in control of how I respond to the situations that happen around me. I can choose to praise HIM, or I can choose to blame Him. Thankfully in my dream I chose rightly. My aim is to do that when I am awake too.
Lets Let Go and Let God!