The current plan that I am using is Professor Grant Horners Bible- Reading System.
How is that for a title?

What Professor Grants suggests to do is read 10 chapters a day. Yes, I said 10. He says to get one Bible and stick with it. Read the 10 chapters briskly but with understanding. Don't get bogged down, don't journal. Not that your not thinking but your going to be coming back over these books quicker than in any other Bible reading plan you've ever done. Your going to become so familiar with your Bible as you continue with the plan.
So what are the 10 chapters
1. The Gospels you read through them over and over.
2. Genesis - Deuteronomy
3. Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians,
Philipians, Colossians and Hebrews
4. 1 & 2 Thessalonians 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon,
James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude and Revelations
5. Job, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon
6. Psalms
7. Proverbs
8. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings,
1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
9. The Prophets
10. Acts
What I like about it - I like that there are no dates on this plan. I don't ever have to feel behind. I pick up where I left off and read as much as I can. Some days I don't read all 10 in one day. I might read 5 one day and 15 the next or I might end up reading 3 chapters in one book because I just love it so much and in the end I end up reading 9 chapters total but not of the whole 10 list. This is a flexible plan you could read 5 in the morning or 5 at night. I do jot notes down - right in my Bible though I know some people would be aghast to do that. I have nice wide margins and my Bible was made as a study bible to be written in and highlighted with symbols and colored pencils. I've been using this plan since January and I plan to stick with it for a long time.
Other "systems" I have used in the past are:
I once did something similar to Horner's system which was to read:
1. The Books of the Law
2. Everything between the Law and Psalms
3. Psalms
4. Proverbs
5. Everything after Proverbs up to the Prophets
6. The Prophets
7. The Gospels
8. The rest of the New Testament
I did this for a period of about 3 months then my life changed and I dropped it and went back to the Chronological Bible. I think that Horner's suggesting of reading Acts each month is a good one since it is such a missional book. He says if you don't know why you should read through Acts each month - that just shows why you should read it every month.
Developing the habit of reading through the Bible in a year was one thing that really grew me as a Christian and my walk with the Lord. I can't say I have less questions but I do have a richer understanding of God and my relationship with Him did deepen.
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