I wish I was perfect - wouldn't that be awesome to be perfect.
To never say or do the wrong thing.
To just wake up every morning and know that your every response to someone would be just the right one.
The perfect words to every situation would fly out of your mouth without thought.
Every action, deed and thought would be beyond question and reproach.
I am not perfect!
I'm struggling now.
- Struggling with everything it feels like a big weight of nothingness has settled over me and well spiritually I know that this isn't from God. I'm so not right within myself that I wonder what am I doing?
What does God's word say about this?
I've not been in the word lately! I've been avoiding it actually - what does that say about me? I have been praying but most of my prayers are about God helping me through a situation. Or helping me figure out what to say and how to say it. What to do. Asking God to forgive me for my not so nice thoughts and feelings as of late.
I think that most of this just means I'm normal.
A Christian, not in the word, under stress and full of emotional responses as my first line of defense. Seriously, I've cried all I can today.
While I haven't been in the word lately, I had been studying the 23rd Psalm.
Studying it along with a book written by W. Phillip Keller.
I'm such a sheep!
I'm glad that I was studying this before this time in the valley because I can see how much of a sheep I am! During this time without water, when my enemies seem to be other sheep kicking me. Why do we sheep do that to each other? Why do I do that to other sheep?
I am a sheep in need of rest, I am a sheep in need of a good Shepherd.
In need of a Shepherd that during this dry time is waiting for me to meet Him up in the meadow. Better yet is waiting for me to allow Him to safely lead me to this quiet place of rest.
The song Better is One Day - is going through my mind. The part that talks about
Your Spirit is Water to My Soul!
There it is the water that I need that everyone needs. Good thing I don't need to be perfect or I'd be doomed - well damned really.
Let this be Water to your Soul too!
This is true for me - is it true for you? Is one Day with God better than 1,000 somewhere else?
Water to your soul?
Oh things are not suddenly perfect now.
I'm still not perfect,
right now I still feel down and my spirit is still heavy the valley is still a bit dark.
But there is that meadow over there and I'm going to head to it because
He is a good Shepherd.
And well He is perfect.
The Lord Is My Shepherd
A Psalm of David.
He leads me beside still waters.1
for his jname's sake.
I will mfear no evil,
for nyou are with me;
your orod and your staff,
in qthe presence of my enemies;
you ranoint my head with oil;
my scup overflows.
u forever. (ESV)
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