Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Story - Moldova is not in Central Asia - how that happened.

After training we were still set on going to a Central Asian country.  We were excited about this, we really felt that this was where God wanted us.  Looking back I think it was all about obedience.

Remember the story of Abraham?  God told him to sacrifice Isaac - it was not an easy thing for Abraham to do!

I think of each step that Abraham took up that mountain.

He didn't stop to discuss it with anyone he just obeyed.

If he had - how many people would have told him it was ridiculous that God wouldn't ask him  to do that.  That God wouldn't ask such a thing.  This was the biggest test of Abraham's life.

He knew that God said his promise would be through Isaac, but now he was to sacrifice him?  This was new to Abraham, but he trusted God.  He knew that God knew what he was doing!  When Isaac asked where the sacrifice was.  What did Abraham say?

[7] And Isaac said to his father Abraham, “My father!” And he said, “Here am I, my son.” He said, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” [8] Abraham said, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” So they went both of them together.
(Genesis 22:7-8 ESV)

He trusted God to provide the lamb - he trusted God.  He followed in obedience.

For us that was what we were doing with Central Asia - we would have happily gone there, not many in our family were happy with us.  Our kids being as young as they are.

We completely trusted God.  In obedience we continue to walk.  Isn't that what was credited to Abraham ..  by faith Abraham obeyed.  Hebrews 11: 8-12

There has been many changes for us.  First this country then working in another country then back in that country.  Explaining that to people and understanding how it would all work.  We had no idea, and as it turned out the door to this country closed.

You could say that Moldova is our ram in the thicket.  In many ways at first we were sadden by not going to where we originally planned.  But the more we learn about Moldova the more clear it becomes that this was God's plan all along.  His plan all along.  We continue to walk in faith in obedience to Him.

When we first switched from Russia to Central Asia.  Tony said, "Who knows maybe God has us going here to get to Russia.  We don't know how God is working but we are following him where he leads."

The words that echo for us - that sustain us when things seem so long and drawn out are:

"Don't worry about that, follow me."
"Feed, My sheep, not the sheep you want to feed, but the sheep I give you."

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