Monday, July 26, 2010

Stories from Africa: Rural South Africa - Bucket Bath 101

Disclaimer: A Bucket wash really depends on each individual person.

Supplies: Bucket, shampoo, soap in soap container, wash cloth or scrub, cup and towel.

1.  If your a girl waring a skirt, which comes off over the head is very handy!  Also removing any undergarments before going to the "shower" makes changing in a wet and sandy "shower" a lot easier.

2.  Remove clothing

3.  Use wash cloth and/or cup to get all wet, make sure your hair is soaked.

4.  Wash hair - don't use too much shampoo.

5.  Wash your body.

6.  Splash water over body to remove soap doing hair first, be extra careful to not get any soap in the water.

7.  Leave a small amount of water to rinse sand out of the shower shoes.

8.  Get dressed by standing on shower shoes, slip on skirt and top put other clothes on in a dryer location. 

This was our shower on the Rural outreach and you can see our tent in the right corner. 

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